

发布时间: 2024-05-16 09:28:36北京青年报社官方账号





"For example, the draft resolution proposes to start assessment in due time instead of an immediate so-called review, reaffirms the key leading role of the WHO instead of switching to other leaderships and calls for summarizing experiences and lessons gathered in international health responses coordinated by the WHO instead of a 'presumed guilty' investigation targeting a specific country," Zhao said.


"For the past five years, investment from China (into the UK) has exceeded the total from the previous 30 years," said Liu. "Chinese investment is booming in this country. In the last year it increased by 14 percent. But if you shut the door for Huawei it will send a very bad and negative message to other Chinese businesses."


"For students coming from rural areas, these are their dream scholarships, which will most likely enable them to secure their dream jobs after graduation," he said.


"For 20 years we cleaned that cemetery and probed every square foot with probes and metal detectors," an emotional Perrone said. "For 20 years we never found a thing. Then came this iron, announcing its existence to us on the very morning after we dedicated a monument to early Chinese immigrants who first came in 1870, brought by a retired sea captain, James Hervey, to work at what was then the country's largest commercial laundry."


"Generally, the idea of a museum conveys a sense of heavy or dull historical objects covered with dust. But using modern design and technology, the power in such objects to stir cultural pride can be harnessed. Merchandise, in turn, gives such objects added significance," said Ji Gang, partner of consultancy firm Roland Berger.


