

发布时间: 2024-05-17 05:21:29北京青年报社官方账号





An old friend of China is in awe as the country approaches its long-held goal of eradicating extreme povertyEditor's note: As China aims to eliminate extreme poverty and be a "moderately prosperous society" (xiaokang shehui) in time for the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China next year, we talk to experts for their take on the country's commitment.


Analysts said the decline could be even deeper in the whole year, considering a high comparative base last December due to the rush to take advantage of a purchase tax discount.


And then I did some soul searching and again, my decision-making process on something like this would definitely be intuition, and not analysis. The financial situation of the Washington Post at that time, this is 2013, was very upside down. It is a fixed cost business, and they had lost a lot of revenue over the previous five or six years, not through any fault of the people working there or of the leadership team. The paper had been managed very, very well. The problem was a secular one. The internet was just eroding. All of the traditional advantages that local newspapers had, all of them, it was just taking away. Every gift that a local newspaper had was kind of systematically removed by the internet.


Analysts said the remarks demonstrate that the current trade situation has "limited" impact as the group of Chinese companies have been determined in beefing up their core technologies.


Andrew Leung Kwan-yuen, president of the Legislative Council, said he understood and respected the decision made by the Standing Committee of the NPC, and he urged people from across the political spectrum in Hong Kong to take a pragmatic approach and work for the best interests of the community.


